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Nintendo 3DS GameBoy Games, GBA Cheats, FAQs, Reviews, Walkthroughs

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers FAQ/Walkthrough

By Zephyrmaster

8. Legolas Character Guide

Tips and strategies

Primary Stat: Accuracy
Important Stats: Defense, Strength, Health
Least Important: Courage (unless you like Spread Fire)

One of the first things that Legolas characters have to do is to increase their accuracy. Having a high accuracy with Legolas is essential to your survival, because often times if you miss an approaching enemy he will hit you. Defense is important because Legolas doesn't have any shield to protect him, so his only option is to dodge enemy blows. Legolas characters should choose to use one active skill and raise it substantially, Overdraw and Spread Fire.

Overdraw Legolas
Overdraw is an awesome skill and my personal favorite of Legola's skills. Even just pressing it lightly will shoot an arrow that can kill multiple enemies in one firing.

Example Overdraw Legolas: (30 skill points)

Active Skills:
Overdraw (10)

Passive Skills:
Meditation (2) ----- Depends on your patience =)
Fleet of Foot (5) ----- Nice skill to have
Orc Slayer (3)
Hawk Eye (5)
Critical Shot (5)

Spread Fire Legolas
Personally I don't think Spread Fire is worth the cost, but some people prefer spread fire because it's ease of use. A person who emphasizes on Spread Fire will have to raise their courage a lot to make up for the extra cost.

Active Skills:

Example Spread Fire Legolas: (30 skill points)

Spread Fire (10) ----- max this for the most arrows

Passive Skills:
Meditation (2) ----- Depends on your patience =)
Fleet of Foot (5) ----- Nice skill to have
Orc Slayer (3)
Hawk Eye (5)
Critical Shot (5)

Legolas Walkthrough (1)

Here is a walkthrough for the character Legolas. First it says the level name, area name, and level number. I made up some difficulty ratings (Very Easy to Very Hard). The Quick Hint is for people who don't want to be babysitted through the level. Starting Location and Ending Location can help some confused players. Shrines will show where shrines are (if there are any). The Detailed Guide is only meant to get a person through the level, not collect every single item.

The Walkthrough
Here is the full walkthrough for Legolas!:


Opening Scene-
(Legolas runs to Gimli)
Gimli: It does my heart good to be so close to the mountains, Legolas. This is quality rock, and unspoilt as Moria was.
Legolas: I wish I could share your enthusiasm, Gimli.
Gimli: Master Elf, are you approaching Uruk-Hai giving you second thoughts?
Legolas: No, Gimli. You must realize - even if we succeed in winning this war, the Elves will fade from Middle-earth. How bittersweet victory will be for my people.
Gimli: Yet not all are leaving these shores. This is a fight for all of Middle-earth.
Legolas: True enough, Gimli... When we left Rivendell, I was not so glum. Elrond's speeches have a way with even the hardest hearts...


Level 1: Caradhras - Foothills
Difficulty: Very Easy
Quick Hint: Follow the paths to the end
Starting Location: NW corner
Ending Location: SE corner
Shrines: None

Detailed Guide:
The level starts with a continuation of the opening scene:

Legolas: Our first steps over Caradhras mountain seemed promising...

This level starts off with your character in the upper left hand corner. Start heading downward, killing the two enemies you see and opening any sacks that you want too. You will soon notice the Crebain, and you will want to kill them to prevent getting corrupted. Continue following the gravel path. It will continue taking you down, then it will turn right. Eventually it will turn upwards follow the path up. It might look (because it might be snowing) like it splits in two directions, and you want to go onto the left path. It will go up until you see a sack. Turn right, which will take you to a raised area. Continue following the path, even when it switches to a different type of path (which looks blue and paved). You can follow this path all the way to the end. There will be a chest along the side of the path and a red pool.


Level 2: Caradhras - Mountains
Difficulty: Easy
Quick Hint: When rocks fall another path opens
Starting Location: NW corner
Ending Location: SW corner
Shrines: None

Detailed Guide:
Start following the blue paved path. Kill all enemies you see and continue following the path until you reach a blocked wall of rocks. Try to remember where this spot is. Start going straight up until you can't anymore. Turn to the right and continue going right until you see rocks dropping. Don't step into the rocks because you will get hurt. Go back to the previously blocked area and it will be cleared. You will notice some Orcs:

Orc: You smell somethin'?
Orc 2: Smells like meat.

You want to once again start following the path. If you kept following the path you will pass in between two raised areas and then you'll turn left where rocks will begin falling again. Backtrack until you are able to go left onto one of the raised areas. There is no path but you only have to go as far to the left as you can. Go down. A path should go left, which is the exit.


Level 3: Caradhras - Valley
Difficulty: Very Easy
Quick Hint: When rocks fall another path opens
Starting Location: NE corner
Ending Location: SE corner
Shrines: Bottom (Forge)

Detailed Guide:
Follow the path down and to the left until you see rocks falling down. Backtrack a little and go down (you have to weave through a few rocks), and go left until you reach a new path of two groves in the ground in mud. Follow the path down and to the right. Soon you will encounter a hero creature which is a strikingly different color than the others of it's type (it will be purple). It may be a little hard to defeat it but most people should do it with ease. After defeating him and his two aides, you can exit by continuing traveling to the right.

  The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers


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